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Python all and any functions

Python all and any functions In Python, the all() function returns True if all elements in an Iterable object are True, and the any function returns True if even one …

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Python inheritance

Python inheritance Inheritance is one of the important concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP), meaning that one class inherits the properties and methods of another class. Inheritance increases code reusability and …

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Python in and not in operator

Python in and not in operator In Python, the in operator is used to check whether a sequence (list, string, tuple, etc.) contains a specific element. This allows you to …

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Python random module

Python random module In Python, the random module is one of Python’s standard libraries and is not an external function, so it can be used right away without the need …

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Python try except exception handling

Python try except exception handling Not only in Python but also in programming, we have all probably experienced situations where the program stops when an error occurs. However, if you …

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Python list slicing

Python list slicing Python list slicing refers to a method of extracting part of a list. Slicing is used to select multiple elements from a list and return the selected …

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Python iter() function

Python iter() function The iter() function is a built-in function used in Python to convert an Iterable object to an iterator. An Iterable object is an object that contains multiple …

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How do machines learn?

How do machines learn? Last time, we briefly learned about machine learning. I learned that machine learning largely includes supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and unsupervised learning, and among these, the …

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Python Conditions

Python Conditions Python conditions, in essence, are the decision-making tools of your code. They allow you to control the flow of your program based on whether certain statements are true …